Monday, January 7, 2008

Vacation Winding Down -- Finally HOME

I've been on vacation since Decmeber 28 to pack up, load up, move, unload, unpack, clean up at the old house, and settle in to the new house. It hasn't been much of a restful vacation, and I've only got two days left of it before returning to work.

My wife's family has been by for a visit, as well as some of my family. We have most of the rooms unpacked and settled, while others (such as the office, where I'm writing this right now) still appear untouched. It's been ten days, but feels like it's only been two.

It's nice to be in our own home finally. Nice to be putting our money into an investment of our own rather than someone else's. Nice to no longer be throwing our money away in rent. And nice just to finally be HOME.


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