Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Ban on Net access taxes extended to 2014

Ban on Net access taxes extended to 2014 | Tech news blog - CNET News.com:

"America's Internet access subscribers can breathe a sigh of relief: Congress isn't planning to allow taxes on your connection for another seven years. With little debate, the U.S. House of Representatives on Tuesday voted 402-0 to pass an extension of an existing ban on Internet access taxes until 2014. The same proposal received unanimous approval in the Senate late last week."

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Average Joe Radio Episode 48: Utterly Ill

New this week on

Episode Forty-Eight: Utterly Ill

Free MP3 Download

This episode features randomly selected audio clips (or "Utterz") from Utterz.com.

Charlie Catura:

Rubber Robots Intro
courtesy of Podsafe Music Network

Joe Colledge:
Bring It On
courtesy of Podsafe Music Network
call 206-600-4JOE for a chance to win a free copy of Joe's CD

John Williams:
Old Man Rocking Chair
courtesy of Magnatune

Carbon Leaf:
Life Less Ordinary
courtesy of Podsafe Music Network

Edmund's Crown:

Stuck In An Office
courtesy of Podsafe Music Network

Gerry Wall:
No Pearl
courtesy of Podsafe Music Network

Jeremy Rowe:
Sing It Through Me
courtesy of Podsafe Music Network

Ron Rutherford:

Let Love Be
courtesy of Podsafe Music Network
call 206-600-4JOE for a chance to win a free copy of Ron's CD

The Pursuit:
Not Today
courtesy of Podsafe Music Network

William Brooks:
The Gift
courtesy of Magnatune

Brett Mikels:
Unlikely Messenger
courtesy of Podsafe Music Network
tune in to episode 50 for a special look behind Brett's music

Artist Hotline: (317) 644-6154
Feedback Line: (206) 600-4JOE
Email Feedback: joe@averagejoeamerican.us

Zombies in Plain English

Thanks to Rich Palmer who posted this video on his site today. I can now rest safely that this Halloween will be safe from zombies.


Saturday, October 27, 2007

The Blue Flu?

Today started off as one of those kind of days when you wish you could just crawl in bed and go back to sleep. I Uttered about it this morning, but it didn't end there.

After being tailgated on the interstate by an inbred with his hi-beams on, I was met with the following when I arrived at work:
First one, then another employee called in sick. One opener, once closer. Short one person the entire day, and two during the overlapping middle portion of the day, is not a good way to be successful in Retail on a Saturday.

Four other employees were scheduled to work at 8:00 this morning. I Twittered about the results of that one. One guy showed up a little before 8:00. The others were unaccounted for. I also had an interview scheduled with a job applicant at 8:00, and I had already decided that I was going to have to reschedule due to the unexpected staffing shortage. No need: The interviewee did not show up, either.

I started working the phones to round up the missing employees. I caught one on his cell phone as he was pulling into the parking lot at 8:20. He had misread the schedule and thought he was scheduled at 8:30. Based upon his past attendance, I believe him and made no further issue of it.

I called the second employee and his wife answered the phone. "He's sleeping," she said. I asked her to wake him because he was late for work and ask him to call me. Moments later she called back to say that she didn't know where he was. Maybe he was already on his way to work.

Before I could call the third employee, he strolled in through the side door, walking casually, talking on his cell phone. As he went to clock in I pointed out to him that he was late. He said he had overslept a little. I said, "Well, here's what we're gonna do. You don't need to clock in. I'll punch you in and pay you for two hours for reporting to work. But I don't think it's gonna work out. We're gonna have to let you go." While that may seem harsh, he has been with the company for less than thirty days and has been on time only once. I explained to him, "You haven't been on time on a Saturday yet, and I need to know that I can count on you to be here when you're needed. If you can't be here when I need you, I don't need you here at all." He attempted to rebut, but I interrupted him, "When you come to pick up your last paycheck, please return your shirts."

It was about this time that the applicant scheduled for the interview called back and said that something had come up. He said he would understand if I didn't want to talk with him anymore, but offered to come in and speak with me next week. I said, "This isn't a good way to start off, and I'm a bit concerned with your availability on Saturdays, but if you can come in at 3:00 Monday afternoon, we can talk about it then." I have no intention of hiring him, unless he can really sell himself to me. I figure I'll give him the chance to do just that.

Still short-staffed, I received a phone call again from the wife of missing employee number two. She still hadn't seen him and wanted to know if I had. When I told her I hadn't, she suggested that I try to call his cell phone, which I had already done. I asked her if there was a different phone number, and she gave me one different from that which I had been calling. When I called it, another employee of mine answered the phone. The two are friends outside of work, but they hadn't seen each other since early morning.
As it stands now, as I write this at 1:06 pm ET, the store is short four people for the day. Two sick, one fired, and one status unknown. But our sales are the second highest in the District so far for the day, which means that those left behind have really hustled, and we really could have used the help of the others, and every dollar of sales will be just that much more profitable. I just hope that we've gotten to every customer this morning.


Morning Commute Annoyance

Mobile post sent by averagejoe using Utterz. Replies.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Internet Tax Ban: “The Right Thing”

A candidate who understands that the Internet is more than a series of tubes:

Fred File – The Friends of Fred Thompson Blog » Blog Archive » Internet Tax Ban: “The Right Thing”:

"Posted on October 26th, 2007 By Fred in Internet, Economics, Taxes

American taxpayers are hit with enough taxes, state-mandated ‘fees’ and ’surcharges’ whether on the state or local level. That’s why Congress did the right thing last night by agreeing to extend the ban on consumers’ Internet access taxes. Broadband is the technology that is revolutionizing the way people communicate, learn, manage their finances, and even receive health care. It’s integral to our ability to compete in the global marketplace. Now isn’t the time to kill a golden goose that will help our nation’s future prosperity and that’s what new taxes on Internet and broadband would do.”"

Be aware, this tax ban is not yet a done deal. The House and the Senate still have to come to agreeable terms before it can go to the President to be signed into law.


The Wisdom of Dilbert

This is so very true.

Out of respect for the Copyright of Scott Adams, you have to make the jump to read the strip. It's worth the jump.

Dilbert Comic Strip Archive - Dilbert.com - The Official Dilbert Website by Scott Adams - Dilbert, Dogbert and Coworkers!

Liberal Senators About To Tax Your Internet

 Center for Individual Freedom

Harry Reid and other liberals in the United States Senate may decide to TAX YOUR ACCESS TO THE INTERNET?

And the best thing about it for them is that they DON'T HAVE TO DO A THING TO MAKE IT HAPPEN!

Right now, states and localities are banned by federal law from imposing new taxes on Internet access and on the goods and services you purchase online. 

But  the federal Internet tax moratorium is set to expire on November 1.

And if it isn't extended or made permanent by that day -- if our elected leaders simply sit back and do NOTHING over the next several days:

Tax-hungry politicians at the state and local levels will make you cough up more of your hard-earned money to send an email to a sick friend or an aging parent or a soldier overseas.


They'll tax you for the games you play, the music you love to hear, the bargains you find online.

They'll tax you for reading your favorite online news source or columnist or -- for that matter -- sending them your Blast Faxes.

In fact, you can be taxed just for logging on to read this letter.

The House of Representatives just passed a bill that will extend the Internet tax moratorium for another four years.  And now, the decision lies with the Senate:


where all the dirty deals are cut and parliamentary tricks are played;

and where the future of this bill is uncertain unless our elected leaders act in the next few days!

If they do nothing in the next several days, TAXES ON YOUR INTERNET WILL BECOME LAW!

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent 50 Blast Fax messages to President Bush and each and every one of the 49 Republicans in the Senate.  Tell them that any attempt to tax the Internet must be regarded as yet one more attack on the First Amendment and the American people.

Tell them that you know that lack of action is effectively a vote to TAX YOUR INTERNET!  Demand that they use every means at their disposal to extend the ban on Internet taxation AND THEN make it a permanent part of federal law.

It's more than just the money.  The Internet has become the newest, most effective arena for the exercise of political speech.  Taxation of the Internet would simply open the door to government suppression of our First Amendment right to free speech!


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Internet Taxes Are Regressive Taxes.

Suppose the Internet Tax Freedom Act (ITFA), originally passed in 1998, is NOT extended.  Suppose Harry Reid, Teddy Kennedy and Hillary Clinton -- with the help of a few turncoat Republicans -- allow the ban on Internet taxation to expire?

            What happens then?

I will tell you what happens.  Merry Christmas from Harry and Teddy and Hillary!  Most of us will be paying Internet taxes before we know it.

And that could particularly affect lower-income folks -- the people the Democrats always say they're defending.

Steve Stanek -- research fellow with the Heartland Institute -- explains just how devastating taxing of the Internet could be to those with limited resources:

"For about the price of an ordinary television set, even the poorest families and the smallest businesses can buy a computer and enjoy the same access to the Internet as the richest families and largest businesses.  However, if Congress allows the moratorium on Internet access taxes to expire in November, new taxes and the resulting higher costs will cause those who already are struggling to struggle harder or give up their Internet access entirely."

Oh Yes!  And small business will be disproportionately hurt by such a cruel and vindictive tax.

The Democrats KNOW that economic growth in our country is not driven by big business, but by small business -- by entrepreneurs who more and more are offering goods and services on the Internet or rely on the Internet to market and sell their wares. 

In many cases, small businesses won't be able to survive with this extra burden.

And if that happens, the entire economy may begin to tremble and wobble.

Don't let the liberals play with the lives of the most vulnerable. 

A free Internet is our best hope for the future. 

States and Local Governments Are Busy Lobbying Congress for the Ability to TAX Your Internet Access.

State and local governments would love to tax your e-mail, your downloads, and just about every other transaction they can divert into their already bloated treasuries.

So they are up on Capitol Hill, lobbying fiercely to let the law die an unceremonious death so the feeding frenzy can begin.

Don't think American business isn't worried, particularly manufacturers, their suppliers and their customers.

As Monica McGuire of the National Association of Manufacturers put it:  

"New taxes on Internet access amounts to turning the information superhighway into a high-priced toll road."

Walter McCormick, president and CEO of United States Telecom Association, went even further:

"Consider what an Internet tax is actually taxing.  [It's taxing] access to information, to knowledge, to a voice in the democratic process, and to economic opportunity."

One of the strongest advocates of making the ban permanent was -- surprise! -- Representative Anna Eshoo of California.  SHE IS A DEMOCRAT!  Here's what she told the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation:

"The moratorium [on Internet taxation] has served us well and the Internet is now an integral part of everyday life.  Americans across the country utilize the Internet for communication, commerce, business, education and research... Now is not the time to reverse the course and kill Golden Goose.com.  It's more critical now than at any time since the moratorium was established to protect the Internet from new taxes and fees."     

There's No Time To Waste.

Remember, there is not a lot of time for the Senate to act.  The current ban on Internet taxation expires on November 1. 

Please join us in fighting to keep the Internet free from regulation and taxation. 

As former Senator George Allen (R-VA) recently wrote in the Washington Times,

"The guiding principle of the Internet tax moratorium has always been that the Internet should remain as accessible as possible to all Americans in all parts of the country forever." 

As the Internet continues to grow as a critical tool for information, education, medicine, commerce and everything else in our daily lives, that guiding principle rings just as true today as it did in 1998 when Congress passed the first Internet tax moratorium.

Yours In Freedom,

Jeff Mazzella


P.S.  Please forward this to at least 10 of your friends.


The CFIF Action Alert is a service to the conservative community.  If you would like to subscribe please go to www.cfif.org/signup.

Center for Individual Freedom
113 S. Columbus St., Suite 310
Alexandria, VA 22314


CFIF is a 501(c)(4) not-for-profit constitutional advocacy organization with
the mission to protect and defend individual freedoms and individual rights.

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Tasking Not A Sales Culture

Mobile post sent by averagejoe using Utterz Replies.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

It's Now or Never

I discovered the other day that my wife has decided to endorse former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani for the Office of President of the United States in the 2008 election. I had no idea she had given it such consideration. I'm usually the one who follows politics, not her.

One of the funniest things about it is that I am currently leaning most strongly in the direction of former U.S. Senator Fred Thompson. I like Rudy, and if he got the nomination I would certainly vote for him, but I find Thompson to be the kind of real candidate that the party needs right now.

But there is so much more to politics and elections than who is running for President for which party in 2008. National politics absolutely shape the world in which we live. But don't set your sights too far in the future just yet.

Have you realized that there is an even more important election just around the corner? Have you noticed campaign signs in yards and in front of businesses as you make your daily commute? Did you realize that, fully a year before you will cast your ballot for the next President of the United States, there is a very important election going on in your community?

I'm talking about Election Day 2007: November 6. Not quite two weeks away, and you would think it's already over for the lack of discussion about the event.

You see, if you go to the polls on November 6, you could very well be casting a very important ballot. While those on the national political scene will be shaping the future of the country, what about the impact of local elections on your community; your family; yourself?

The Mayor and Council Members you elect will be deciding what businesses do or do not come into your town; what roads do or do not get repaired; what tax levies go on the ballot in 2008. The Sheriff and Prosecutor you elect will set the very tone of law and order in your community. The school board members you elect will determine whether your children are taught Evolution or the Truth in school.

Now is the time for you to vote on the most important election there is: the next election. Get out and vote on November 6, 2007. Your vote does indeed count!


Visit Joe on Redstate.com

Monday, October 22, 2007

Testing Out Utterz

Testing out Utteerz

Mobile post sent by averagejoe using Utterz. Replies.

Fwd: Ron Rutherford a Double Hit on Average Joe Radio & The Pod 5

Rarestar Music & Rarestar Records Latest News...
Ron Rutherford and his Lone Wolf album howl on
Average Joe Radio with a full moon show special.
An intimate look at the artist and his music.
This one is not to be missed folks!!!
Plus, Ron recently joined The Pod 5 on their last Talkshoe.com Talkcast: Episode 13 to discuss with the panelists his recent Internet Marketing & Promotion successful actions as an Independent Music Artist.
Read all about both exciting events below...

Average Joe Radio Episode 46: Ron Rutherford

New on
Average Joe Radio

It's 3 days late, but worth the wait!

Ron Rutherford's Lone Wolf

Episode Forty-Six: Ron Rutherford
Free MP3 Download

Ron Rutherford joined Average Joe for a special show featuring nine tunes from his album, Lone Wolf. With insight from the artist about each song, this show is a must listen!

Featuring the tunes:

Tennessee Moon
Bye Bye Baby Bye Bye
Dirt Road
Hole In My Heart
This Is True
Lone Wolf
Many Moons Ago
Freak Flag

You can find Ron Rutherford online at:

  • RonRutherford.com
  • MySpace
  • iTunes
  • Podsafe Music Network
  • AirPlay Direct
  • MyRecordLabel.net
  • CDBaby
  • Lone Wolf by Ron Rutherford

    What Others Are Saying
    Ed Ovett said...

    Wanted to be 1st here even before hearing Average Joe's special with Ron Rutherford. It's a must listen for anyone wanting to get familiar with Ron's "Lone Wolf" CD. You can also hear Ron talk about Internet Marketing on the last Talkshoe episode for "The Pod 5" (episode #13) either at the
    Talkshoe website or via the Ed's Mixed Bag website regular podcast feed on Thursday nite (10-18-07). The Pod 5 panelists include Ed Ovett (host), Brent Bradley (co-host), Daniel Johnson Jr., Dwight Dunlop, and Zack (the Mothman) Daggy - all having their own music podcasts! You can find the new Pod 5 podcast at www.thepod5.com first episode Nov. 6th, 2007! Get subscribed!!! Click here to go right to the new website!
    And, don't forget to check out the new home of
    Average Joe American
    The Average Joe Radio Podcast

    Keep your freak flag flyin'!
    Rarestar Music
    Rarestar Records
    Los Angeles, CA, USA

    CD Baby
    AirPlay Direct
    Podsafe Music Network

    See what's new at AOL.com and Make AOL Your Homepage.

    Sunday, October 21, 2007

    Average Joe Radio Episode 47: Halloween

    New this week on

    Average Joe Radio

    Episode Forty-Seven: Halloween

    Free MP3 Download

    Music and ghost stories to get you in the haunting mood.

    Jeff Rosiana:

    Coffin Walk
    Spooky Piano
    Vampire Organ
    courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network

    Savant Trigger:
    The Unknown Halloween Version
    courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network

    The Coffin Shakers:
    courtesy of the Podsafe Music Network

    Stephen Lynch:
    courtesy of IODA Promonet

    Gregory's Funhouse:
    It Only Happens On Halloween
    courtesy of IODA Promonet

    Jonathan Coulton:
    Skullcrusher Mountain
    courtesy of Podsafe Music Network

    Ghost Stories in the episode:

    The Glowing Red Demon Eyes

    Email Feedback: feedback@averagejoeamerican.us
    Artist Hotline: (317) 644-6154
    Feedback Line: (206) 600-4JOE

    All music, commentary, and download hosting provided by:
    IODA PromoNet
    Magnatune.com - We Are Not EvilAirPlay DirectPopuluxe Records
    SUBSCRIBESubscribe in iTunes

    Friday, October 19, 2007

    Another One Bites The Dust

    Republican Sam Brownback has backed out of his bid for the Presidency in 2008.

    From MSNBC.com:

    Trouble raising money was a main reason for his decision, said one person close to Brownback, who requested anonymity because the candidate had not yet announced his plans. The senator is widely expected to seek the Kansas governor's office in 2010, when his term—his second—expires. He had promised in his first Senate campaign to serve no more than two terms.

    Brownback had raised a little more than $800,000 from July through September and around $4 million overall. He is eligible for $2 million in federal matching funds. Besides money, Brownback's support for a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants hurt him in Iowa, an early-voting state that has struggled to provide education, medical care and other services as the number of immigrants has more than doubled since 1990.

    Brownback spent a good chunk of his money on the Iowa straw poll, an early test of strength whose significance diminished after Arizona Sen. John McCain and former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani decided not to compete. He finished third behind former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee.

    People close to Brownback said it was unlikely he would endorse another candidate on Friday.

    Sent via email from my Palm handheld device.

    Thursday, October 18, 2007


    While trying to place a call today to the Sales Audit section of my company's Finance Department, I came to a very frustrating and disgusting realization: my company's Finance Department has been completely outsourced to some place in India. The person that answered my call could barely understand what I was trying to ask her. I had to repeat my location number for her several times before she finally caught what I was saying. She then directed me to call an extension that doesn't even exist to receive the assistance I was seeking.

    This was shocking, first of all, because just over a week ago I received an email from my Sales Audit representative asking for information about a deposit. I haven't even had time to research and respond to her request. So I attempted to send her an email asking her for a little help with my issue, and received a failure notice that her email address was invalid.

    She -- along with several others -- is apparently gone. No announcement. No notice given that this department was being outsourced. But there was apparently plenty of notice given to those to whom we have outsourced, because supervisors were flown in from India to our corporate headquarters to be trained on how to train their people to perform the tasks we ask them to perform.

    I'm here to tell you, the training didn't do the trick. Not only could this individual that answered my call barely speak or understand English, she had no idea how to deal with the issue I had, then directed me to a non-existent extension (there was one digit too many in the extension number) to get assistance. Whomever trained her, if anyone, seems to need a little re-training, as well.

    But wait, it doesn't end there. Moments later, while I still sat there trying to figure out how to resolve the issue at hand, my office phone rang (which is a rare occurrence). It was a representative from Sales Audit calling. A new representative from the newly outsourced Sales Audit section, that is. He spoke slightly better English than the first representative had, and he was calling to check on a deposit discrepancy that had been reported by the bank. I think. See, he didn't really get to the point before saying, "Hello?" and then cutting me off. He apparently wasn't even trained on how to properly operate the telephone system.

    He tried to call back, I believe, but I couldn't swear to it, because I didn't answer the phone. I was on the phone trying to find someone in the Sales Audit section who still knows how to do his/her job. I just let the other line ring in the background until the caller gave up and hung up the phone.

    As I said, this not only frustrates, but also disgusts me immensely! I'm a businessman, and I understand the benefits of outsourcing certain functions. Call centers are all too frequently outsourced to far away lands where underpaid employees can perform menial tasks for a much lower cost than their American-born counterparts can do. But these are jobs. These are American jobs. These are fellow Americans with whom I have worked for several years who are no longer employed because someone who sits high in his corporate office somewhere has decided that they were no longer key people in the organization. These are people who in the past have been very helpful in assisting myself and my contemporaries when issues arise that are beyond our scope of the business. They were the experts.

    Now, in their place, we have individuals who speak very broken English who have never had to deal with the unusual situations that made their predecessors such experts at what they did. Individuals who now have a support job in this company because someone else has been put on the unemployment line.

    Frustrated? Yes! Disgusted? Even more so! I can't begin to tell you how much the current wave of outsourcing American jobs to foreign countries ticks me off! But then, if you've been here before, that is certainly no surprise to you.

    By the way, I still haven't resolved the issue I had. And I still haven't heard back from the guy checking on the deposit discrepancy. And I can't call him back to check on the issue, because none of the old Sales Audit extensions go anywhere anymore. You better believe I'm disgusted!


    Wednesday, October 17, 2007

    Average Joe Radio Episode 46: Ron Rutherford

    New this week on
    Average Joe Radio

    It's 3 days late, but worth the wait!

    Ron Rutherford's Lone Wolf

    Episode Forty-Six: Ron Rutherford

    Listen for a chance to win a copy of
    Ron Rutherford's LoneWolf

    Free MP3 Download

    Ron Rutherford joined me for a special show featuring nine tunes from his album, Lone Wolf. With insight from the artist about each song, this show is a must listen!

    Ron Rutherford is a man whose life has been built around music.

    He fondly recalls bouncing on the back seat of his Father’s Chevy Bel Air to The Beatles singing “I Want To Hold Your Hand” on the radio. Ron Rutherford - Composer, Songwriter and Recording Artist

    “It was a typically beautiful Dallas, Texas day,” he says, “blue skies and fair weather cumulus clouds out the windshield as we sped down the highway.” It proved to be a seminal ride. He has been inspired by and passionate about music ever since.

    Ron played piano and violin as a kid in Texas. Moving to New York City as a young man, he took up guitar and harmonica.

    While living in New York, he played and sang around Manhattan and the Northeast; did some television and jingle work; was written up in the New York Times for his performances with The Rutherford & Steward Band; and wrote and performed briefly with legendary rock pianist Nicky Hopkins.

    Ron Rutherford’s musical influences are eclectic and diverse including such artists as: The Eagles, Crosby Stills & Nash, Neil Young, Jackson Brown, Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band, The Steve Miller Band, Van Morrison, Buddy Holly, The Everly Brothers, The Beatles, The Byrds, Buffalo Springfield, The Band, The Allman Brothers, Creedence, Little Feat, Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers, Elvis Costello, Traffic, Leon Russell, Bryan Adams, John Mellencamp, Rodney Crowell, Warren Zevon and Hank Williams.

    Although growing up listening to and loving Rock and Roll on the radio and records, he had country music in his ears wherever he went, just from living in Texas – and both had a profound impact on him.

    Ron Rutherford’s music is something familiar you’ve never heard before – stories of love, loss, insight, and inspiration. Picture a full moon over a long lost trail and a lone wolf that beckons the listener to follow to the end.

    Ron Rutherford’s new album, Lone Wolf, ends too soon.

    Featuring the tunes:

    Tennessee Moon
    Bye Bye Baby Bye Bye
    Dirt Road
    Hole In My Heart
    This Is True
    Lone Wolf
    Many Moons Ago
    Freak Flag
    You can find Ron Rutherford online at:

    Artist Line: (317) 644-6154
    Feedback Line: (206) 600-4JOE

    All music, commentary, and download hosting provided by:
    IODA PromoNet
    Magnatune.com - We Are Not EvilAirPlay DirectPopuluxe Records
    SUBSCRIBESubscribe in iTunes

    Tuesday, October 16, 2007

    Join Ron Rutherford on Talkshoe.com LIVE Tuesday Night, 16 Oct 2007

    Rarestar Music & Rarestar Records Breaking News...
    Join Ron Rutherford LIVE on Tuesday night, October 16th, when he guests with the panel on the Talkshoe.com Talkcast: The Pod 5!
    Don't miss this exciting event!
    Details below...
    You are invited to join a live Talkcast.
    Listen to or Join the Talkcast: The Pod 5

    Host: Ed.Ovett - ed@edsmixedbag.com
    Episode: EPISODE13 - The Pod 5
    Indie Artist Internet Marketing: Guest country rock singer/songwriter Ron Rutherford joins the panel for a fascinating look at marketing techniques and tools available for the serious indie artist trying to get his "brand" out there! Join in and talk to Ron, "LIVE" on The Pod 5!
    Talkcast ID: 37618

    Scheduled Time:

    Date: Tuesday, October 16, 2007
    Time: 5:30 PM PT, 8:30 PM ET

    How to participate:

    Call in:
    1. Dial: 724-444-7444
    2. Enter: 37618 # (Talkcast ID)
    3. Enter: 1 # or your PIN
    Join from your computer:
    1. Become a TalkShoe member
    2. Download and install TalkShoe Live client
    3. Click here to join the Talkcast
    Listen to the Recording:
    If you missed this event or want to hear previous recorded episodes click here.

    Keep your freak flag flyin'!
    Rarestar Music
    Rarestar Records
    Los Angeles, CA, USA

    CD Baby
    AirPlay Direct
    Podsafe Music Network

    See what's new at AOL.com and Make AOL Your Homepage.

    Average Joe's Review Store