Saturday, June 26, 2010

Vacation Day Two

Today was a very full day. The fence crew arrived before 8am to
install our awesome new fence (pictures on my Facebook page). After
walking the plan with them, the family and I headed out to some yard
sales while they got to work.

Six hours later the fence was complete, with 40 or 50 piles of dirt
(from the post holes) waiting to be moved. That was how I spent the
next six hours, shoveling dirt into a wagon and moving it to fill in
uneven spots in the yard. Thankfully, my boy Jaden grabbed an extra
shovel and helped. He hung in with me to the very last shovelful -- an
amazing feat for someone not quite seven years old. The job would have
taken me past dark without his help, but more importantly, he kept me
motivated to get the job done.

I'm immensely proud of my boy. I have employees at work who don't work
half as hard as he did for half as long. After we were all done I sat
down at the table with the checkbook and said, "I go to work every day
and work hard to bring home a paycheck to pay all the bills. You
worked hard today, and here's your paycheck." I handed him a check for

That's a great kid I have, and tomorrow we're going to set up his
trampoline in the yard and have some good old-fashioned fun.
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