Sunday, November 22, 2009

An Evening With Mitch

I received the following email this morning. Governor Daniels, who is in his last term and refuses to say that he could be a contender for national office in 2012, is appearing at an event to raise funds for his Aiming Higher PAC.

This PAC appears to have been formed between Governor Daniels' first election to office and his first inauguration, and the homepage of the site has not been updated since.

To me, this is one more indication for hope that Indiana's Governor will run for higher office in 2012.

Notes Signup | Volunteer | Donate


Please join us

For An Evening with

Governor Mitch Daniels

Friday, December 4, 2009
5:00-7:30 p.m.

Office of Mayer Brown LLP
71 South Wacker Drive, 33rd Floor
Chicago, Illinois 60606


Governor Jim Thompson

Ty Fahner

Jim Richmond

Bob Grand

Dan Dumezich

Gretchen Gutman

John Janicik

Tom John

Wil Davis

Tom Wheeler

Murray Clark

Dean White


Sponsor/8 tickets


Co-sponsor/2 tickets


Individual Ticket


The attire for the evening is business casual.
Drinks and hors d'oeuvres will be served. 

Governor Daniels will share his governing approach, Indiana's story, and his new mission to "promote results, ideas, and candidates that focus on government reform and serving taxpayers."  This mission will be supported by the Governor's Aiming Higher PAC.  Now is the time to support the Governor with his continued progress and legacy of change! 

Please contact Katie Thomas at 317-964-5057 or to RSVP or for more information.  Contributions payable to Aiming Higherand sent to Katie Thomas

47 S. Meridian Street, Suite 200, Indianapolis, IN 46204


Paid for by Aiming Higher.  Contributions from Foreign Nationals are prohibited.  Contributions from Corporations and Labor Organization are subject to limitations.  Contributions to the Aiming Higher PAC are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.

This email was sent by: Paid for by Mitch for Governor Campaign Committee
47 S. Meridian St., Suite 200 Indianapolis, Indiana, 46204

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