Monday, July 9, 2007

President Bush's Weekly Radio Address

(audio/mpeg Object)
In his weekly radio address President Bush said, "This week, we received more good news showing that our economy is strong and growing. The Department of Labor reports that our economy has now created jobs for 46 consecutive months. America added 132,000 jobs in June, and that means our economy has added more than 8.2 million new jobs since August of 2003. Unemployment is low, consumer confidence is high, incomes are rising, and opportunity is growing across America."

1 comment:

Average Joe American said...

Most importantly, we must exercise our right to vote. Second most importantly, we must KNOW what we're voting about. I agree 100%. If you can't cast an educated vote, we may sadly repeat history: with a large portion of society wasting their uneducated vote on an unelectable Independent (a la Ross Perot), resulting in the election of an unelectable Democrat (a la Bill Clinton).

Please prepare yourself, and vote smart. If you need resources, there are links in the sidebar that will take you to information for every major candidate, and many not-so-major ones.

Vote smart!


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