Friday, December 28, 2007


We're spending the weekend loading the truck, moving, unloading the truck, cleaning the old house, unpacking, and trying to get settled in to our new home. Though our Internet connection at the new home should be up and running this afternoon, things will probably be a bit quiet here for most of the day, and a good part of the weekend, I suspect.

Once I pack up the router, etc., which will probably be one of the last things to get packed, my only connection to the digital realm will be SMS posting via Twitter. Until then, I'll be putting progress updates in both Twitter and Pownce (more detailed).

You can check out both to see how the move is progressing.

The Average Joe Radio 1-year anniversary /SLASH/ New Year episode should (I hope) be posted on January 1, 2008 -- the actual anniversary date of the show -- from our new home.


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