Monday, April 20, 2009

#Flock Thoughts

FlockI'm really trying to give Flock an honest test drive. I have been using it [almost] exclusively for two days now. I say almost, because I still have Google Chrome set as my default browser, so whenever I click a link in Tweetdeck, etc., the page is opened in Chrome. However, I have been using Flock for my email, my general browsing, my feed reading, and my blogging (including this post).

I'm told that I'll like it so much I'll start recommending it to people. I don't know yet how likely that is. Here are my latest thoughts.
  • Flock is called a "social" browser, because it was designed for social media. While I have a presence on practically every social media site out there, I'm not a big social media guy. I don't find myself yet actually using any of the social media features built into Flock (I've checked them out, but just haven't found them useful for my type of web activity).
  • I am not one of the fortunate people who can access the Internet from work. In order to connect at work and check my email or Twitter, I have to plug into a land line and dial up using NetZero (which I keep just for that purpose). Google Chrome is a quick browser that makes what I do over dial up at least bearable. Flock, so far, has seemed just a bit slower.
  • Before switching to Google Chrome (and still as an occasional backup), I was a Firefox user -- in fact, a Firefox promoter. Flock is (it seems to me) basically a rebuild of Firefox, enhanced for social media. I switched from Firefox to Chrome because Chrome was faster and Firefox would crash unexpectedly. While Flock hasn't crashed yet, it has been as slow as Firefox, and I can't imagine why it wouldn't crash eventually, being built on the same platform.
I will continue to use Flock through the rest of this week, though I feel like I'm having Chrome withdrawal symptoms. I really haven't had a chance to put it through all of the paces, which I hope to do in the next couple of days. I'll update regularly on my experience, and let you know what the final outcome is toward the end of the week.

Your comments?


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