Monday, March 2, 2009

Remembering Mom

Seven years ago today, my mother lost her battle with cancer. She left us and went to be with the Lord. We have learned since then that Mom was the glue that bound the family together. Not that we have any major differences. We just aren't as close as we once were.

The night before Mom passed away, after visiting her in the hospital, I sat in my living room in tears, writing the following poem. That next day -- the day that she left us -- not very long before she passed away, my sister read this poem to my Mom for me, as I sat by her bedside. Shortly after, Mom passed away, with her children at her side. That was seven years ago today.

I share it here, in remembrance of my Mother.


From my earliest memory, you were there.
Of course you were there --
you were always there.
There to love me and guide me through life.
There to praise me and discipline me at times.
There to raise me into a man some day.

You were there when I fell off my tractor and passed out.
You were then when I rode on dad's motorcycle with him.
You were there when I ran my bike into a car on Bailey Avenue and skinned myself all up.
You were there when I needed stitches 'cause I fell off the back steps of the trailer and hit my head on the electric box.
You were there when I needed stitches 'cause I got hit with a door at Liberty Elementary School.
You were there to discipline me when I caught the field on fire at Countryside Village.

You were there when I played Hot Wheels and Legos on the pool table with Bill.
You were there when Mrs. Dirk punished me for books that she had misplaced.
You were there when I came in second in the city-wide Spelling  Bee: I'll never forget the word "mischievous."
You were there when I invited Christ into my heart.

You were there when I demo'd the Tandy computer during the Science Fair at Wilson Junior High.
You were there when I sung in the chorus in Junior High.
You were there when I got half the family stung by bees, or hornets, or whatever, at World's End State Park. We knew it wasn't really the world's end, because God promised he wouldn't destroy the earth by flood again, but it certainly rained enough.
You were there when I spent my twelfth Easter in the hospital with a hernia.
You were there when I slipped on the ice twice and broke my wrist.

You were there when I got my first car for $250. Thank You.
You were there when I wrecked my first car for two minutes of senseless driving.
You were there when my license was revoked for all pleasure driving.

You were there when I graduated High School.
You were there when I left for the Army.
You were there for countless Christmases when I wasn't there.
But your care package always brought Christmas to me.

You were there when I finally came home from the Army.
You were there when I needed a place to stay.

You were there through the good times and bad in my life.
You were there to support me when I needed support.
There to comfort me when I needed that more.

And now, there you are, lying fragile and sick.
And I'm here for you mom, cause you've been here for me.
I'm here 'cause you were the best mom a son could want.
I'm here 'cause I love you, mom.

I'm here 'cause I hate to let you go.
But more than that, I hate to see you suffer so.
I'm here, mom. I'm here. 

And some day, when God's Plan is all said and done.
I'll see you again, mom, in Heaven, someday.
And on this day, it's that day for which I pray.
To see you again.
To hear you laugh once again.
To see you smile once again.\

I'm here, mom. I'm here.
And I love you so much.
And I'll miss you, dear mom.
But if you must go.
I know you'll be better off.
I know I'll see you again soon -- but not soon enough.

In the meantime, I pray you'll be watching to see.
All of the things I hope one day to be.
A good husband and father, like my dad always was.
A successful author. Yeah, that's still my dream.
And a more Christ-like Christian, like both you and dad are.
I hope you'll see my wedding, and the birth of our kids.
And the first home I buy, whereever it is.
But most of all, mom, there's one thing I pray.
I'll be home this Christmas, and I hope you are, too -- if not in body, then in spirit.

I'm here, mom, to say, "Thank You."
For giving me life.
For giving me love.
For giving me hope.
For giving me the best a
son could have.

I love you, mom.
I love you.


1, 2002

That poem was read at my Mother's funeral. I miss you, Mom!

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