Thursday, November 1, 2007


Mobile post sent by averagejoe using Utterz. Replies. mp3

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

richpalmer left a reply to one of your Utterz.

richpalmer says: I applaud your effort! I, too, have always wanted to write, but know in my heart that with all the other projects I've "opened" that it would be a project that would not come to completion soon. Music first for me!

However, I think that it is great that you've engaged in this project and I can certainly see how you would want to "readjust" a few other projects to make room. Moving the podcast to bi-weekly is a good idea. This will enable you to focus more without the "weight" of a self-governed deadline on you each week. As you know, my show release schedule became more relaxed when I decided that I needed to prioritize a few other issues/projects. I believe the result has been a better produced, more enjoyable show that I certainly love to create. My listener based has absolutely increased since my schedule change -- and I have more fun with the production.

Best of luck to you (do we say that for authors?) and I can't wait to hear/read/consume the results of your efforts!

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