Monday, November 19, 2007

Thankfulness: Faith

It goes without saying, for most, that this is the time of the year to reflect upon that for which we are most thankful. It's not just about turkey and stuffing and getting together with family. It's about giving thanks for the blessings we have received. This is the first of three entries to be posted over the next three days, intended to do just that: give thanks for my personal blessings.


First and foremost, I'm thankful that there is such a mighty and powerful God to be thankful to. A God without whom nothing matters, and with whom all things are possible.

I was raised in a family that went to church regularly. Regularly back then meant something a little different from what it means today. My family was in Sunday School early every week, followed by the morning worship service. After dinner and other Sunday activities, we returned Sunday evening for what the church referred to as Baptist Youth Fellowship, followed by the evening worship service. Many weeks, the evening worship service was followed by a youth gathering, called an Afterglow, at the home of a member of the youth group. We were then again in church every Wednesday evening for Bible Study. Throughout the rest of the week, my father and mother were engaged in various activities for the church (Men's Prayer Breakfast, Visitation, Choir Rehearsals, my mother even prepared the church bulletin every week).

All of that means nothing, really. It won't get me into Heaven, and it doesn't make me any better than the next guy. But what it did do for me was help me to establish a solidly grounded faith in God; to know what God expects of me and what I can expect of Him.

That faith took it's first deep roots when I was just twelve years old. While on a week long summer youth retreat at a Christian camp, I accepted Jesus Christ, the Son of God, as my personal Saviour. I was Baptized shortly after by the same method taught by Jesus Himself (immersion).

Faith is a powerful thing. My wife recently made a public profession of her faith in God and was Baptized while my four-year-old son looked on. The changes in our lives have been tangible ever since, and they've only just begun.

This Thanksgiving, I am thankful for my faith. Thankful that there is a God to have faith in. Thankful that God sent his Son to pay the ultimate price for my sins: the price of substitution atonement. And immeasurably thankful that I share that faith with the woman I love.

Happy Thanksgiving! And don't give up the faith.


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