Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Summer Heat Buster

Summer can bring some pretty hot weather with it -- no news flash there, right. Some people love the hot summer days. I was born in July, but I'd take winter (preferrably with minimal snow) any day over the heat of summer. I don't mind the cold at almost any temperature. But seventy-five is as warm as I like.

Today it must have been ninety-five here in Smalltown, Indiana. According to my thermometer, that's HOT. And there's not much I care to do outside on a hot summer day. Wash the car, maybe. Grill some steaks, sure. Mow the lawn, unfortunately. That's what I had to do today: mow.

Sweat pouring from every pore of my body, running into my eyes and drenching my clothes -- it wasn't exactly what I'd call a good time.

But I made the most of it. I pulled my son's little swimming pool (not the little hard plastic wading pools, but nothing spectacular, either) out of the garage. I patched up the biggest hole in it with electrical tape (hey, it actually held the water in), filled it up with colder water than I would have liked, and took my son out for a couple hours of splish-splashing fun.

It was the perfect way to cool off after mowing in the hot sun, and my son loved it. I guess there are some good things about summer. But I think I'll stick with winter, anyway.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like seeing you guys playing outside. It is so good for our son since he doesn't get out much with me!!! I hope you two get our a lot more this summer! Thanks for being such a good dad!

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