Monday, November 14, 2005


We're entering the homestretch to my favorite holiday of the year: Thanksgiving. Most people seem to have one holiday they prefer over all others, and they each have their own special reasons for their preference.

There are a number of reasons I call Thanksgiving my favorite, and not the least of those is the food! I love the turkey and potatoes, the corn and the rolls, all smothered in gravy -- the whole Thanksgiving feast. Most people don't eat turkey the rest of the year like the year like they do one Thursday in November. I don't think it would be the same even if they did.

Another reason I'm so fond of Thanksgiving is the memories growing up with my mom preparing the huge annual feast. Not only was it a great time for the family to get together, but also the start of the Christmas season.

Mom's gone now, and the whole family doesn't get together much anymore. We won't all be together in one place this Thanksgiving. I have my own family now, and among the many blessings we'll be thankful for are the many memories Mom helped to create over the years.

Thanks, Mom, and Happy Thanksgiving to you all!


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