Wednesday, October 28, 2009

SOAP: Man's Course In Life

SCRIPTURE: "I know, O Lord, that a man's life is not his own; it is not for man to direct his steps." -- Jeremiah 10:23
OBSERVATION: What we do in this life is not for us to determine.
APPLICATION: The past three months or so at work have been chaos. There were times when I was ready to tender an immediate resignation -- times when I would have done so if the situation was right. I've spoken with two prospetive employers during this, as I seriously consider a change. But not once have I actually felt that the decision was mine to make. We had a family prayer before one interview. A simple prayer, really: "Lord, if this be Your will, make it so. We put our faith in You." The Lord has always provided for us, and I have no reason to think He would stop now. My life is His. The path I walk is His path.
PRAYER: Thank You, Father, for Your reliable provision and guidance. As always, I place my faith fully in You. Show me the way.
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