Friday, March 31, 2006

Good Riddance, March!

What a month March has been! With a rash of illness and injury, I was so short-staffed at work that I and my Assistant had to work several twelve to fourteen hour days this month. An upcoming visit to the area by the CEO has the District Manager running around like a chicken with it's head cut off. My wife and I discovered that our baby may be due as much as two weeks earlier than originally anticipated. I woke up on the first full day of Spring to nearly five inches of snow on the ground. Someone dinged my car door in the parking lot at work.

And historically, March has been a downer month. My mother passed away in March. Ronald Reagan was shot in the month of March. The Iraq War was launched (while I support the President, war is never a desireable state to have). In general, March stinks! And I say Good Riddance!


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