Sunday, June 25, 2006

A Fresh Clean Start

I have worn facial hair in some form or other since leaving the military thirteen years ago. Most often a goatee, but sometimes a full beard and, for a very short time, just a mustache. I wore a goatee when I met my wife eight years ago, and it was a shocker for her today when I shaved my face clean. Even though I told her it was coming. I guess she didn't believe me.

Lately, when kissing my little boy (2 years 9 months old) goodnight, he has pointed at my hairy chin and said, "Hurts real bad." Earlier today when I asked him for a kiss he turned his head and repeated, "Hurts real bad." Heartbroken, I was determined to put an end to that.

I came into the house when we got home, went straight to my bathroom while my wife fixed lunch, and shaved my face clean. When I next kissed my son, he said, "Feels better." That made me feel better, too.

My wife, on the other hand, hates it. She says I look funny without it because I have no upper lip. She says kissing me feels like she's kissing someone else. I guess you can't please everyone all the time.


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