Thursday, February 14, 2008


Today's Daily Soap {Scripture | Observation | Application | Prayer}
  • S: 1 Corinthians 13:4
  • O: Love is completely selfless.
  • A: It's Valentines Day. For a man like me, that means that I'm supposed to come up with some special way to show my wife that I love her. For a woman, that means that she's just supposed to be. Really. She doesn't have to do anything special. Valentines Day should be for her, not for me. It's up to me to show my love for her in some special way today. My wife isn't one who takes pleasure in receiving roses or chocolates, or any other traditional Valentines Day tokens. Not that she needs something major like diamonds. Just to be loved. God once gave His children the greatest Valentine of all. His Son on a cross. By sending His Son to die for our sins, He showed us that He loves us in the ultimate way. Of course, though I would give my life for the safety of my wife without hesitation, thankfully, Valentines Day doesn't demand such a major gift as that.
  • P: Lord, help me to show my family today -- and especially my wife -- that I love her. Help me to display my love for her not with chocolates or roses, but with my actions.
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